The universe sends us the sign of a positive opportunity for the future by presenting it to us in the form of a problem in the present. This process is designed to make us stop, think, and exercise our power of freewill.

Step One: Aware
In order for you to solve a "self-help" problem you must be aware of it. It sounds easy enough but think of the symptoms you could experience with an illness. You might think your problem is a high fever when in truth the high fever is a symptom of another and potentially more significant problem. You may wish to relax and meditate. Simply put, you are using your intellect, and your intuition to properly identify what the true problem is. And hopefully, you will start with yourself by looking within.
Step Two: Analyze
Once your problem has been identified you have to learn as much about it as possible. This is also called spiritual enlightenment, which is similar to a doctor taking x-rays to further analyze symptoms to make a diagnosis. Proper analyzing cannot occur without an open mind and emotionally detached mental state. For example, if the problem is with a romantic relationship, you have to be able to step back from the tendency of blame and judgement, while you seek knowledge and wisdom.
Step Three: Answers
The third step of spiritual problem solving is creating potential answers or solutions to the problem. This step is about generating as many "What if" scenarios as possible. Like the domino effect, every potential answer will change your future and your path of destiny because you are creating a new chain reaction. All of your potential answers will require effort and energy on your part to implement so the goal in this step also takes into consideration what you are actually willing to do to correct the problem.
Step Four: Adopt
You have your possible list of potential answers to your problem, now you have to adopt one to put into action. The universe will provide you with the opportunity and the tools to help you make a decision that best for your soul, but the universe won't decide for you. Though the Spiritual Law of freewill, the choice is all yours. Accept and embrace this gift for what it is and never put too much value into the advice of others. Adopt your final decision with confidence and then stand by your decision.
Step 5: Apply
You can't create a new future for yourself if you don't implement your plan. While this seems like a simple step, most people people have difficulty in actually starting what they know is the right thing to do. Why is that? Self confidence and fear of the unknown are the biggest reasons. If you find yourself with a plan that you believe is the right thing for you to do, yet you can't apply it, you have discovered another problem. Read on if you can apply your chosen answer or go back to step one if you can't.
Step 6: Assess
Great! You have learned and applied the spiritual laws of direction and you created a new "self help" destiny for yourself. Did everything work out exactly as you planned? Are you better off now or before? Did you restore balance and positive energy in your life from your process? Chances are you learned how much power the universe gives you and they need practice and fine tuning to become proficient skills. The last step is to review and evaluate what you did for future plans. "