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Saturday, September 6, 2014
Personality Subtypes @ Milton (dot) net
The following is a series of figures that summarize the several subtypes of each of the personalities. It is Millon's view that there are few pure variants of any personality prototype. Rather, most persons evidence a mixed picture, that is, a personality that tends to blend a major variant with one or more subsidiary or secondary variants. Thus, as can be seen below, where there is a box listing several Schizoid subtypes, the reader will note four varieties, the affectless schizoid subtype, the remote, the languid and the depersonalized. The text for the affectless subtype indicates that the secondary or subsidiary personality quality is that of the compulsive prototype. What this means is that the schizoid personality demonstrates major features of the schizoid prototype, but also some features of the compulsive prototype. A different variant is seen in the remote subtype in that this person is a mixture of a predominant schizoid with subsidiary features of the avoidant prototype. All 15 major prototypes, except for the variants of the hypomanic prototype are presented. Readers wanting to read fuller descriptive texts on these subtypes will find them in both the Disorders of Personality (2nd Edition) and the Personality Disorders in Modern Life (2nd Edition) textbooks.
See the subtypes of personality disorders such as Histrionic, Borderline,etc.