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Friday, August 29, 2014

Some random tips of mine for good relationships

A great way to help a relationship bloom by admitting things you could change, especially when around the person you love.  I made my own list, to use as a guide/example.
Stop using dry humor so much

Write down/ tell everything to people. If someone is going to be in your life they should know everything. No ego, no secrets, no pride.

Stop talking so much about personal beliefs (feminism,veganism,political viewpoints,etc) Once in a while is okay, but not all the time. Don't make everything about your personal views. Just let it be most of the time.

Never post anything about friends on social media;good or bad.Instead..
Good-Write down and give to them
Bad- Write in diary, use DBT/CBT,etc and show that person (if they want to see it) or keep to self (if they do not). No secret feelings

Stop talking about how hot/good looking ANYONE (celebrity or not) is even if they are the same gender as you.

Stop trying to be/look perfect all the time (control HPD/NPD tendencies)

Stop repeating self/stop nagging

Don't be "stunned" if someone doesn't know something even joking around. They might not get that I'm trying to be funny or my thought process. Example. If someone doesn't know a math fact, in my head I'm shocked because I'm bad at math and even I know that fact... They may view it as narcissistic or that I'm looking down on them/think they are stupid. Also- don't say "omgosh, even I know that." it sounds like I am calling them stupid or saying I'm smarter then them. If someone doesn't know something I know simply inform them of the fact, and let it go. Don't brag, don't boast, don't go on about it, don't act shocked they didn't know even if I am making fun of myself in a silly way because they may not "get" my tone of voice or the humor I am trying to project.

Stop bragging/talking about myself all the time. Especially in bed. Sometimes it's okay (and is a turn on) but not constantly. Constantly can become annoying and narcissistic very quickly.

Never say anything negative to anyone even joking around/teasing. NEVER EVER.