There is no possible remedy for the current crisis. Anyone who has done some research into the global financial structures will know that there is no possibility of a happy outcome to the money-driven, consumer-capitalist system that we have all been lured into by our leaders.
South Africa is one of the wealthiest countries of the world. Every person should have everything they wish for. And yet we have more poverty, more homelessness, more hunger, more crime, more disease, more despair, more anarchy and unhappiness than ever before in our history. This situation cannot continue without an eventual bloody revolution.
But this can also be prevented. They say that history has taught us nothing. Well - this is the time when we finally have to learn from history and choose a completely new course.
This potentially catastrophic situation presents us with a shining opportunity to consciously change our course and secure our destiny as the human race and the people of South Africa.
This document presents the very basic foundation of a new social structure to take us into a new era of real freedom, real prosperity and real control of our destiny as the people of South Africa.
To achieve this will require a complete change of thinking and a paradigm shift by the ordinary citizens of the land in our approach to our own destiny. It will require taking back the power from the politicians and the governments they have created, with their complex legal systems, to protect their own interests and the agendas of the large multinational corporations that support them.
The launching of the UBUNTU CONTRIBUTION SYSTEMas a new social structure in South Africa, is the result of six years of research and planning by numerous participants who can no longer tolerate the absolute abuse of the good, honest citizens of South Africa and the raping of our land by a group of political elite who have unlawfully assumed ownership of it all.
It is now blatantly clear that the politicians and large corporations have stolen the country from its people – it’s time to take it back. Africa was once GREAT – let us make her GREAT again.
African Roots
In many ways the UBUNTU CONTRIBUTION SYSTEM (UCS) is loosely based on the ancient tribal structures of the African people and other native tribes of the world. For thousands of years the native people of the world lived in close tribal communities, in harmony with mother Earth.
Our society has been segregated and separated on so many levels that we hardly understand the word unity any more. UCS will allow people to reconstitute a unified society consisting of smaller harmonious communities.
UCS will restore this harmonious balance between the people and the Earth providing abundance for all, because it is an environment which allows its citizens to all contribute their natural talents and acquired skills to the greater benefit all the people in the community. This applies to all areas of our society; science, technology, agriculture, manufacture, health, education, housing, and all other areas not financially viable under the present economic system.
To begin this journey of transformation, we need to be reminded of our inalienable rights as the citizens of South Africa. It is ironic that these so-called new ideas are almost word for word the principles of the Freedom Charter for which many South Africans have died in past 100 years. Today, this call for rights is no longer applicable to a sector of our population, but a unified call by all its citizens who have been denied freedom and dignity.
WE are the CUSTODIANS of the planet - but to protect it, we have to take it back from the unlawful governments that have claimed ownership - under the control of corporations who are raping and destroying OUR EARTH.
Our Inalienable Rights – The Rights of all Citizens
- The country belongs to its people
- The land belongs to its people
- The water belongs to the people
- The forests belong to the people
- The rivers and lakes belong to the people
- The gold, the platinum, diamonds, chrome, copper, iron, uranium, tin, aluminium, and all other minerals in the ground belong to the people
- The coal belongs to the people
- The air and the airwaves belong to the people
- Everything that grows on the land belongs to the people
- The beaches, the mountains and the skies above belong to the people
- The wild animals do not belong to us or anyone else, they belong to the planet and we are their custodians and protectors
These things DO NOT belong to the politicians, the government, or any corporation who has unlawfully claimed exclusive rights over it...
The Needs of Society
What do we need as individuals and communities? The answer has been the same for thousands of years. Food, love, shelter, health, education, arts, culture, science, technology, energy, clothing, tables, chairs, books, boots, hats, and much of all the other stuff we have today. What we do NOT need is money. Money has been created as tool of enslavement to control the availability of all these things, most of the time denying people of most of them.
Most people are under the incorrect assumption that money is the consequence of human evolution and thousands of years of barter and trade. As hard as this may be for some people to accept, that is an incorrect assumption. Meticulous scrutiny of our human history shows very clearly that money was introduced several thousand years ago, by a small group of royal political elites as the supreme tool of enslavement of the masses. Since the very first introduction of money this small group of very powerful individuals have controlled the printing and supply of money, and thereby control the activities on planet Earth.
- Money is the obstacle to all progress and the cause of all misery on Earth.
- Money is the major contributing factor to the gross separation and segregation in society.
- Money is the cause of 99% of crime.
- Money causes families to fall apart.
- Money is the driving force behind ego, gluttony, jealousy, greed, envy and all the ugliest aspects of humanity.
See more about Michael Tellnger's Ubuntu Party idea
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