6-9The centre is located in the richly diverse Mata-Atlantic forest on the east coast of Brazil in the state of Bahia. This region was chosen due to the natural beauty of the landscape, astonishing beaches, good accessibility, spirited local culture and the abundance of natural foods. An ideal setting for a safe and profound experience.
TheVine Center is established as a trans-denominational space that is open to people of the world regardless of faith, who are seeking to reconnect with source/universal intelligence. The founders of TheVine Center have developed programs that do not teach doctrine, yet support participants in self-realization of their own unique spiritual journey reconnecting with their own power or “god within”, a common goal of many ancient traditions and religions. The root word of religion is usually traced back to the latin word religare meaning “to bind back” (“re” = back and “ligare” = to bind)
The center includes facilities that are purpose built for ayahuasca retreats and include a beautiful ceremonial temple within the jungle, and extensive landscaped gardens that enchant the senses and invoke the imagination. Nature is ever present and the spaces are comfortable and safe with modern amenities designed for beauty, function and comfort.
The nature of our not-for-profit center is philosophical, mystical, spiritual, educational, and cultural. All income from the retreats goes toward the upkeep and maintenance of the grounds and facilities, creating employment for locals and forest conservation projects including the planting of thousands of native trees on the land.
Within the TheVine Center are hundreds of fruit trees, coconuts, organic gardens with fresh vegetables and our own ayahuasca vines and Chacruna plants. We believe in healthy organic diets and where possible food during the retreats is sourced mostly directly from our gardens.
pictures16Spirit-Vine.net & TheVine Center were previously known as ayahuasca-Healing and inspired by Silvia Polivoy. Silvia received her license in clinical psychology in 1983 and had a private practice in Buenos Aires, Argentina for twenty years until she began to feel the need to make a transition from studying and healing the mind to exploring the worlds of Spirit.
Silvia ventured away from the busy city streets to the more tranquil life in the jungle, eventually moving to Brazil where in 2004 she co-founded the trans- denominational TheVine Center. Having facilitated her first ayahuasca retreat in 1997 in the Peruvian Amazon, Silvia has extensive experience, also hosting artists, teachers, authors, researchers and other experts such as Pablo Amaringo, Alex Grey, Zoe7, Robert Venosa, Martina Hoffman, David Icke, Jonathan Ott, Rick Doblin and many others.
The core program of TheVine Center are the spiritual retreats carefully designed over many years to support and enhance the spiritual experience of ayahuasca ceremony. The focus is on the participant and their unique relationship to ayahuasca and their own spiritual journey, while they are lovingly and skillfully supported in a safe and beautiful environment.
You are welcome to join us, please feel free to contact us for more information or to apply for a retreat."
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