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Thursday, July 10, 2014

Gnosis Youtube Channel:Pop Lar

A great Youtube channel providing videos about Gnostism.

"- On this channel I provide some videos that, I deem, contain essential and important information, predominantly in the Gnostic genre. I'm trying to find some sanity in an insane world, and I am NOT into self deluding, crazy fantasies and rose coloured glasses.

- The Truth is very little told in this world. Many who claim to be about Truth spread half-truths, at best. New Age spirituality is the Old Age lie with a new facade. The Truth has been systematically suppressed and persecuted in this evil world, ruled by evil forces. With my videos I try to uncover and present those perennial Truths.

"Do not put trust in the potentates, rulers and the rebels of this world, for their authority passes away and comes to an end and their works are as naught"

Check out Pop Lar's Youtube Channel