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Monday, April 14, 2014

How to cope with intense emotions using escape vs tolerate methods

"We human beings struggle with many things. Life brings us problems, conflicts and complex situations. However, as a therapist, I often see that one of the most difficult things for many people to cope with in their lives is their own emotions.

There is not a person alive who hasn’t felt severe emotional pain at one point or another. So the question is - what are we to do when we feel terrible?

Here are some important guidelines to keep in mind:

Emotional pain is not permanent. It always passes.
Escaping or avoiding emotional pain only causes it to subside temporarily, if at all. Then it will come back, often more intensely.
Emotions pass better and more permanently when they are tolerated and dealt with than when they are simply escaped from.
Sitting with an unpleasant feeling, trying to put it into words, and thinking about the cause of it are all ways to tolerate and work through it."

See more...
@Bella Online- Coping with intense emotions

The website has a situation, and how to deal with it using the Escape method and the Tolerate it method