Whether our particular issue is emotional eating, binge eating, disordered eating or we just can't seem to get a handle on the whole nutrition thing, we can all stand to learn a few things from the people for whom healthy eating just comes easily. Here are a few of the things they do differently.

1. People with a healthy relationship to food eat mindfully.
2. They swear by everything -- yes, everything -- in moderation.
3. But they know the timing has to be right.
4. They eat when they're physically hungry.
5. And they stop eating when they're comfortably full.
6. They eat breakfast.
7. They don't keep problematic foods in the house.
8. They don't sit down with the whole bag.
9. They know the difference between a snack and a treat.
10. They give themselves permission to enjoy eating.
11. They don't "make up" for a meal.
12. They don't eat to see the scale shift.
13. They're not afraid of feeling hungry.
14. Their concerns for food don't interfere with daily life.
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@Huffington Post