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Thursday, March 13, 2014


"Satya or Sathya is a central concept in Indian religions. It is a Sanskrit word that loosely translates into English as "unchangeable", "that which pervades the universe in all its constancy". It is also interpreted as "absolute truth" or "reality"."

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It’s utterly beautiful. This life of ours. Saying those four words out loud just made my system reset and exhale. I don’t really know what else to say. Watching life unfold and seeing how energy manifests into form—I mean, really, the steps in which they materialize as if stills being projected as an old movie clip would.

The process is so perfect and intrinsically intelligent in its plan. There’s a process to each scene. Kinda like those old black and white Steamboat Willy films where they manually had to turn the knob to produce the effect of motion. That’s life.

Movement has stages. Production takes evolution. When you move your hand, your brain first has to say, “I want to move my hand”, sends the signal through your spine to the communicating nerves and then your hand gets to move. If everything in life was in slow motion so we could see the steps in which they occur and unfold, maybe then, we would appreciate it more.

Maybe then, we would question, “Well, where is this all coming from? How is this happening? Why am I here? How am I here? What does it mean that A, B, and C come before D?” Maybe then, we would question the mystery. Maybe then, we would live in gratitude.

In recent history, I believe the human race as a whole, to say it nicely, well, we’ve been quite disrespectful to Life. The masculine energy on this planet has been in a state of imbalance. It’s about time for the feminine energy to rise and come forth. To balance out, to neutralize. You know, yin yang, complimentary contrasts to then make a whole sort of dance.

Let’s tame down our ideas of ourselves and humilify our egos to see the bigger picture of how and why we’re all here in the first place. There is something—a power, a force, a greater “thing” that allows for us to even be here—right here, right now, reading these words, living our lives, communicating, to do the things it is we enjoy doing, to eat our favorite foods, to practice yoga, to kiss our lovers, to embrace the ones we love, and get this—underneath all of that, this thing allows our heart to beat. It actually gives us the chance, the opportunity, the permission.

Can we all just take a moment and acknowledge that?

We’ve been granted the access to live.

There needs to be a shift in consciousness here in order for there to be harmony on this planet and in our everyday lives. We are being allowed to be here, to be experiencing this whole life experience thing.

The acknowledgment is happening. More people are seeing it, realizing, becoming hip to the notion of self and spatial awareness. The shift in consciousness that is occurring on Earth is so amazing to be a part of! We are alive during such a radical and revolutionary time!

People everywhere are tearing down old frameworks of existing to find their true selves shine through. The whole world is waking up! More often than not, each person I meet in their feet. Waking up to the mystery. Waking up to the True unfolding. There is a powerful rise in the embodiment of the Oneness of it all. I mean, don’t you feel it? Isn’t it exciting?

Bow to life. You are here. You are alive. You are being given breath to breathe. Life is a gift and we’re living her. I beg of you, recognize Life as a precious birthright. Live your life in attune to what’s True. In the beginning it’s almost as if by sheer luck we stumble upon what will be the beginning of our destiny. Whether or not it looks “right” on the outside, the internal yearning is loud and the only thing worth living for. You are being called forth to walk true, to live true, to be true.

I got your back."

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@Elephant Journal