*Note: Posting this because it could happen, not saying smoking cannabis responsibly will cause it to happen.
"Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome is a disorder that is characterized by recurrent nausea, vomiting and colicky abdominal pain. These symptoms have been reported to be alleviated temporarily by taking a hot shower or bath or more permanently by abstaining from the use of cannabis. The syndrome was described by Allen and colleagues (2004), and Sontineni and colleagues (2009) who offer simplified clinical diagnostic criteria.A subsequent, larger study reported a case series of 98 subjects with cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome, confirming the earlier reported findings....
Sontineni et al. criteria for the diagnosis of "cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome"
Essential Cannabis use for years
Major Severe nausea and vomiting
Vomiting that recurs in a cyclic pattern over months
Resolution of symptoms after stopping cannabis use.
Supportive Compulsive hot baths with symptom relief
Colicky abdominal pain
No evidence of gall bladder or pancreatic inflammation
Modified criteria for the diagnosis of "cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome"
Essential Long-term cannabis use
Major Severe cyclic nausea and vomiting
Resolution with cannabis cessation
Relief of symptoms with hot showers or baths
Abdominal pain, epigastric or periumbilical
Weekly use of marijuana.
Supportive Age less than 50 y
Weight loss of >5 kg
Morning predominance of symptoms
Normal bowel habits
Negative laboratory, radiographic, and endoscopic test results
Various pathogenic mechanistic theories attempting to explain symptoms have been put forward. These theories fall into two themes: 1) dose dependent build up of cannabinoids and related effects of cannabinoid toxicity, and 2) the functionality of cannabinoid receptors in the brain and particularly in the hypothalamus (which regulates body temperature and the digestive system). But the mechanisms by which cannabis causes or controls nausea and the adverse consequences of long-term cannabis toxicity remain unknown and organic disease should not be ruled out as a possible cause.
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