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Monday, December 16, 2013

The China Study

Credit :SocialJAk

"T. Colin Campbell’s The China Study created a movement in the way people consider their diets. While the Internet features many great meeting places for the plant-based community, there has yet to be a one stop shop. The China Study Community website launched with the hopes of filling this niche and becoming the leading source of news for the plant-based community. Each day, you’ll find links to news stories, event information, recipes, reviews, and more from the top influencers in the plant-based movement, including specific information on The China Study and Colin Campbell-endorsed books published by BenBella Books.

In addition to those who already follow a plant-based lifestyle, The China Study Community also aims to introduce these principles to the public at large. This means we promote progression, not perfection. We cover plant-based news in addition to all health- and nutrition-related information in the vegan, vegetarian, and medical communities with the goal of a healthier America that has less illness and fewer preventable deaths from chronic disease."


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The China Study