"Glamour" magazine recently ran a cheeky piece called "7 Unexpected Perks of Dating a Vegan." While some of the magazine's "perks" are decent, it's pretty obvious from the article's sarcasm that it was definitely not written by a vegan. So, we decided to one-up them. Here are seven unexpected perks of BEING a vegan:
1. Saving Animals from Needless Suffering
With over eight billion farmed animals suffering on modern-day factory farms, there is no question that the best step you can take to help end animal cruelty is simply to leave animals off your plate. In fact, going vegan saves the lives of roughly 33 farmed animals each year.
2. Feeling Great
One of the best ways to improve your health is to adopt a balanced and bountiful vegan diet. Vegans have lower rates of diabetes, obesity and heart disease--our nation's number one killer.
3. Looking Fantastic
How do celebs like Anne Hathaway, Portia DeRossi and Alicia Silverstone look so radiant? They follow a vegan diet, of course. Many people say that once they've gone vegan, their complexions improve, their hair gets shinier, and they lose unwanted pounds.
4. Safeguarding the Environment
Animal agriculture produces more greenhouse gases than all the transportation in the world combined! Additionally, factory farms pollute waterways and destroy air quality. Go vegan and you're instantly helping to protect our planet.
5. Incredible Food
From kale and quinoa to seitan and sweet potatoes, vegan fare is delicious! Expand your palate and discover a whole new world of flavor.
6. Amazing People
Vegans are some of the most talented, intelligent and compassionate people alive. They include such luminaries as Vice President Al Gore, Grammy-winning singer Carrie Underwood, and Academy Award-winning director James Cameron. Join a vegan meetup, go to a vegan potluck, or find a veg fest close to you and make new friends.
7. Veg Restaurants
Almost every city in the U.S. has incredible vegan restaurants or restaurants that may not be 100 percent plant-based but can create fantastic vegan dishes. Check out Candle 79 in New York, Crossroads Kitchen in Los Angeles, San Francisco's Millenium or Chicago's aptly named Chicago Diner. VegGuide.org will help you find more veg restaurants near your city.
Feeling inspired? Click over to ChooseVeg.com now and start transitioning to a vegan diet today!
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