"The Good: Though maltodextrin is technically a complex carbohydrate because of it’s sugar content, it’s high glycemic index means it goes through the digestive system super fast. There are 2 instances where this is a good thing. 1) After a hard workout, maltodextrin will quickly get energy and protein (if accompanied) to your muscles. That’s why the Results and Recovery drink has some in there along with Dextrose (a sugar that maltodextrin mimics). 2) During a long workout (aka marathons), maltodextrin’s quick absorption by the body and low osmolality (It doesn’t absorb much water) make it a good candidate to give energy while not dehydrating you.
The Bad: Outside of the aforementioned time-frames, maltodextrin is just as bad, sometimes worse, as having sugar. Easily absorbed carbs like maltodextrin and sugar get into your bloodstream fast. If there is nothing for all that blood sugar to do (i.e. repair muscle-tissue, give energy), it will get stored as fat. Contrast that with real complex carbs from whole grains, which are broken down and absorbed slowly, and maltodextrin looks more and more like sugar."
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