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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Government of India: Petition to Indian Officials to Ban Temple Elephants

" STOP TORTURING THE TEMPLE ELEPHANTS...India is in shame for holding the living Elephants at temples. They place Elephants in barbed shackles and chains so they can't even move. The temple elders allow severe torture, inexplicable beatings by mahouts and starvation...These abused animals are then subjected to outrageous noise when the temples parade them out to "Honour and Worship Ganesha"...Just to have the Elephant put back into barbed chains and subjected to more abuse, torture and starvation after the ceremony is over. These elephants sway back and forth to comfort themselves and some say they are slowly going insane!

 This is an absolute abomination to Ganesha and all Hindu Deities and to the living elephants that represent Them. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA OUTLAW THIS HEINOUS PRACTICE NOW!!! Arrest, convict and put in prison for life ANYONE who tortures Elephants...especially Temple elders who condone this.

This is how you Worship Ganesha and Hindu Gods??? India is in shame!"

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