"When someone is said to have a god complex, it typically means that he or she is extremely arrogant, might consider himself or herself to be infallible and might try to control or manipulate other people. This slang term essentially suggests that the person behaves as though he or she is a god. The term might be used colloquially to refer to people who behave as though they are superior to other people and demonstrate little empathy and compassion for others. Although "god complex" is not a medical term and is not included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), it is sometimes associated with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).
There is no specific definition of the term "god complex," but there are certain characteristics that are common in people who are said to have this. These characteristics include arrogance, bullying or manipulating others, being judgmental and believing that he or she is never wrong. Someone who has a god complex might also be prone to becoming angry when things do not go his or her way, might be poor at interpersonal communication and might not be receptive to criticism. He or she also might try to exert a great deal of influence in various matters or relish having power, authority or control. Many people exhibit some of these characteristics in certain situations, even if they would not be said to have god complexes."