As expected, the physical and emotional challenges of such a journey prove to be immense. Gladys must struggle through her own hunger, fatigue, injury, and illness in order to help the children persevere over the mountain. All the while they know enemy soldiers could attack. When they tire of singing songs, Gladys urges the children along with stories of God — sharing the many ways He has worked throughout her life.
Just when Gladys has given her all and seems unable to face one more roadblock, we find the tables have turned. The children whom she has protected, nourished, and led now offer hope back to her. They have learned well from their beloved role model and now remind her that God is still God and He will see them through. And indeed, He does.
Gladys Aylward’s faith and courage are strong examples for us. As a young Christian, Gladys faced immense obstacles. She had few means, was a poor student, and was told she should not become a missionary. Yet, Gladys decided that if God asked her to do something, she would do it. No barriers or roadblocks would stop her, as she trusted in His plan and provision. The road was often uncertain and difficult, but Gladys persevered with her Savior by her side. The small woman with a big God left a legacy of faith in her adopted land of China. Her story encourages each of us to follow as God leads and trust in His provision."