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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Emotional Intelligence

"Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of oneself, of others, and of groups. It can be divided into ability EI an"d trait EI." (Wikipedia)

"....refers to the ability to perceive, control and evaluate emotions. Some researchers suggest that emotional intelligence can be learned and strengthened, while others claim it is an inborn characteristic.

Since 1990, Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer have been the leading researchers on emotional intelligence. In their influential article "Emotional Intelligence," they defined emotional intelligence as, "the subset of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one's own and others' feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one's thinking and actions"


More info...

Emotional Intelligence Test
5 ways to foster emotional intelligence 
Developing Strong "People Skills"
 Emotional Intelligence Consortium Website