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Tuesday, November 19, 2013


"Hexane is a neurotoxic petrochemical solvent listed as a hazardous air pollutant with the EPA. It’s used to extract protein from soy, but we don’t think that’s a sensible ingredient.
Hexane is used to cheaply and efficiently separate soy oil from soy protein. Many products such as veggie burgers and infant formula, and many of the leading brands of fruit & nut bars, contain soy protein or soy isolate that is processed with hexane.
Hexane is a petrochemical solvent – a hydrocarbon byproduct of gasoline processing. It is synthetic, neurotoxic, explosive, and is listed by the EPA as a hazardous air pollutant. Currently, products that are labeled “all natural” or “made with Organic ingredients” can legally include soy treated with hexane."