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Saturday, November 2, 2013

A bit about Chakras

♥ What are Chakras?

In the spiritual movement the word Chakra pops up quite a bit.  That's fine if you know what it means.  Pretty confusing if you don't.  The following is a short explanation of what the Chakra System is all about.
The Human Energy Field or Aura is an energetic, multi-dimensional field that surrounds penetrates, and is the human body.  It has rivers of energy called meridians that nourish every organ and cell in our bodies.  These rivers are supplied by seven cone shaped, spinning vortexes of energy called chakras (pronounced "Shock-ra").  These chakras, in turn, collect energy from the Universal Energy Field that is all around us.
The seven chakras carry the colors of the rainbow spectrum.  The Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine carries the color red.  The Sacral Chakra, our creative center, vibrates to the color orange.  The Solar Plexus Chakra, our self centeredness, carries the color yellow.  The Heart Chakra, our feeling center, resonates with the color green.  The Throat Chakra, responsible for our expression, carries the color blue.  The Brow Chakra radiates indigo is responsible for our dreams and questioning of spiritual things.  And the Crown Chakra radiates a violet or white, the highest vibrational rate in the spectrum.  A more in-depth description of the seven Chakras is listed below.

♥ What is the function of Chakras?Physical:
Each Chakra is associated with a particular part of the body and gland.  When the chakras are balanced and energy is flowing freely, a sense of physical well-being is achieved.

When the physical body is in a state of well being, the mind is at ease.  When chakras are balanced and energy is flowing freely, a state of mental clarity is attained.

When the chakras are balanced and energy is flowing freely, our energetic vibrational rate rises, allowing us to experience more of our true divine nature and connection with the sea of Universal Life energy that permeates all things.

♥ What is the cause of blocked Chakras?
Chakras can become blocked through an emotional upset, such as conflict, loss, or accident.  Fear, anxiety and stress are common causes of chakra malfunction.  When blocks accumulate in the field, a disruption in the flow of energy through the Chakras result.  It is these blocks that disrupt the Harmony in the field and eventually are the cause of disease, as well as, emotional and mental disorders in the physical body.

♥ How do the Chakras get back in balance?
A healing art called Reiki, is a beautiful, loving way to balance the chakras.  It is a non-manipulative technique used to channel healing energy to the client through the practitioner's hands.  Using certain touch points on or off the body, the field is cleared of blocks, the chakras are restructured and a new level of awareness is reached."