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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Devocalization of pets..

Debarking it is a surgical procedure applied to dogs and cats, where tissue is removed from the animal’s vocal cords to permanently reduce the volume of their vocalizations.
The surgery usually leaves the animal with something between a wheeze and a squeak. The procedure, commonly referred to as devocalization, has been around for decades, but has fallen out of favor, especially among younger veterinarians and animal-rights advocates because this procedure is superfluous and inherently cruel.
By barking, dogs express their feelings—fear, frustration, pain, boredom, or even happiness. This cruel procedure strips dogs of their natural ability to vocalize and communicate. Depriving them of their primary means of expression is unjustifiably cruel." 

More Info:
Painful procedures for dogs  (I know it's PETA but the website has information)
Veterinarians Speak Out About Devocalization
Our Dogs Were Devocalized!
US urged to stop devocalising dogs
Avma devocalization policy hurts animals
Stop Devocalization Now
Should people be allowed to devocalize their pets

All this information is from The Barking Army