"Fat cells are always looked at as the enemy, yet once they were our closest allies. Back in harder times when food was scarce, humans relied upon fat as a trusty backup fuel source.
Recently, however, a dark cloud of hate has enshrouded the once beloved fat cell. No longer is it seen as a benevolent contingency plan in times of need, but rather an irritating physique pariah that just pads our waist line, making us look older and less attractive than we think we are.
But what if we could get our fat cells to work for us and not against us? What if we could get our fat cells to actually help us burn more fat?
Sound like science fiction? It isn't.....
Adiponectin is an adipokine. Adipokines are hormones released exclusively from your fat cell (leptin is probably the most well-known adipokine).
Adiponectin is the lean body hormone responsible for:
- Increasing insulin sensitivity
- Increasing calorie burning
- Curbing appetite
- Increasing muscle efficiency
Wanna get some more of this stuff? Optimizing your adiponectin levels is actually simple. Here are the first three steps.....
1. Antioxidants
2. Monounsaturated Fats
3. Move More and Get Lean
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@T Nation