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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Check out The Gnostic Truth's YouTube channel

From the channel's page
"I Provide educational videos which show the fundamental logic which underlies the Absolute Truth and which expose deceptions,  provide videos which give insightful commentary concerning matters of importance in the areas of Truth Movements and World Events,  and I provide videos which detail constructive approaches to understanding matters that pertain to Self-Realization. I comfort the afflicted by taking their side in the battle against Liars and Frauds, I afflict the comfortable who have benefited from such evils. Always.  I fill a niche which doesn't exist elsewhere, presenting these Truths and backing them up with demonstrations in empirical fact and in transcendental logic, seeking no priesthood over others in any way.  "Arjuna, God abides in the heart of all creatures, causing them to revolve according to their Karma (Desires) by His illusive power (Māyā) as though mounted on a machine." Bhagavad Gita, Ch. 7, Verse 25  I have been harbinger to the end."

Check out The Gnostic Truth's YouTube channel