I am being oppressed by the existance of men.....*chuckles* Funny satire article, just don't let the femnazi's on Tumblr see this *gasp*
"By now, you may have heard of “manspreading” — when a guy sits with his legs apart on the subway to assert his dominance — and “manslamming” — when a man doesn’t get out of the way of a woman on the street and they run into each other.
While these are definitely very important women’s issues, there are still so many more we need to be talking about. Here are ten words for even more ways men are constantly oppressing women:
1. Broplimenting
2. Mansulting
3. Bropen-mouth chewing
4. Mentoring
5. Sleep Manpnea
6. Mantroduction
7. Manspiration
8. Manterrogating
9. Manpacking
10. Mensoring
See the explanations @ National Review