"I am passionately dedicated to your empowerment, expansion and success. The material you'll be reading on this site is candid and straightforward; it's intended to help you make sense of some of your life experiences, and avoid or resolve issues that may undermine you. If you find it controversial, then I've (at least) challenged your perspectives and broadened a path toward greater well-being, and that's the bottom line here.
My methods are transformative, and this is not 'psychotherapy,' which deals only with the mind. Integrated Recovery is a unique, comprehensive approach to Healing, which helps you surmount obstacles that inhibit contentment and joy. Wellness begins with awareness~ you might think of this web resource as a place to come for personal enlightenment.
As I hold myself to the highest standards of ethics and confidentiality, your privacy is always respected and stringently guarded.
My practice is International, and I work exclusively by phone. These sessions are unique, efficient and extremely effective. Major credit cards (American Express, Visa, MasterCard, Discover) are welcome. Sorry, but I do not accept medical insurance.
You'll find a lot of material about Borderline Personality Disorder on this site, which is an unintended consequence of direct, hands-on experience with underlying issues (like poor self-worth) that can spawn, and perpetuate this disorder. If you relate to my BPD articles (treat them like little self-help books), it's thanks to the many partners and relatives of Borderlines who've shared their stories, and found resolution and relief here. When we work together, my priority is getting you beyond this trauma, but you'll also gain invaluable tools that will help you avert this pain in the future, and never attract it again.
I am at heart, an educator. My hope is, you'll have an "Ahah!" experience while you're visiting, and gain some headway with the difficulties you've found to be most troubling. My articles can help you better understand your partner, parent or friend--but more importantly, they're written to help you understand Yourself, and save you considerable time in therapy.
My Bachelor's degree is in Human Behavior Psychology and I have a Master of Arts in Counseling Psych., but my wisdom and skill are mostly outgrowths of substantial life experience, acute intuition and unrelenting commitment to personal growth and emotional vitality. I do not work as a state licensed clinician. If you're wanting that sort of help, please seek it elsewhere.
You can easily navigate this site by clicking on the colorful links at top. The following links will take you subjects that may be of special interest to you; Anxiety/Panic Disorders - Sex Addiction - Attention Deficit Disorders (ADD/ADHD) - Weight Loss - Passive-Aggression - Sexual Difficulties - Mid-life Struggles - Codependency and numerous other relationship issues."
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