“The Passionate Wife” is an erotic guide for couples interested in cultivating sexual desire, passion and peak sexual experiences in their marriage or long-term relationship.
“The Passionate Wife” consists of those sexual and sensual tips and techniques known to increase arousal, trigger desire and elevate the “mechanics of sex” into something much more erotic and pleasurable.
“The Passionate Wife” also offers a seductive array of “Erotica” – reader fiction, photo gallery, literary quotes, music videos, poetry and true erotic confessions that are sure to titillate and tease.
“The Passionate Wife” is written by Tracey…an unapologetic sexual and sensual enthusiast, an advocate of pleasure and eroticism and of course, a very passionate wife. ♥
'The human erotic imagination is a vast wilderness of sexual possibilities. We are each capable of enjoying a pleasurable, satisfying and potentially ecstatic sex life." ― Chris Maxwell Rose
Check out The Passionate Wife