"Help new believers grow spiritually
When you received the Lord Jesus Christ as your own personal Saviour, you made the most important decision of your life. To help you be more effective in your Christian walk, The Next Step will be most helpful. Though it is not meant to take the place of your Bible, it will teach you the basic steps to a strong and healthy Christian life. It's an excellent discipleship tool to give to those you lead to the Lord.
Each chapter introduces a different aspect to growth which Christians need to understand:
1. Birth Of The Bible
How the Scriptures came to be, the inspiration by God, the authority of His Word, and how Satan has attacked it for almost 1,500 years.
2. Don't Read That Book
You won't last long without food, and neither will any Christian last long without the Word of God. Here is a Bible reading program that will give you a balanced diet of spiritual food, every day of your life. But it will cost you something!
3. Prayer
Do you want to get RESULTS when you pray? Here are the keys to effective prayer, and how to deal with the things that Satan uses to stop you.
4. Love
Some people are very hard to love. Yet the story in this chapter shows that for some people, real love is the only way to reach them.
5. The Enemy
Every Christian has a mortal enemy. His goal? He wants you dead and in hell. Learn some of his many faces, and how he attacks Christians. He hates us all, because he knows that there is a day coming, when he will be cast into hell.
6. Pitfalls
Be careful! The things that can destroy your Christian testimony can be small, or unexpected.
7. Called Out
Okay, so now you're a Christian. That doesn't mean you're better than everyone else. It means you're forgiven. But you can't be the same as everyone else, either. God wants you to live in a way that makes you different, so you can have the same result as the Christian in this chapter.
8. Warn Them
Everyone who hasn't accepted Christ is on their way to hell, just like you were. Now that you have forgiveness, it's up to you warn your friends. If witnessing chokes you up, or you don't think you know enough of the Bible yet, here is a simple plan to help you be a real witness. Remember, you can't save anyone ... Jesus will! Here's an easy way to tell them."
Credit: Amazon
*The guy that wrote the book is, from what I have seen, a bit close minded.May want to stay away from this book unless you want to learn how "Conservative Christians" think