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Monday, March 10, 2014

The Myth of Mental Illness

"The Myth of Mental Illness: Foundations of a Theory of Personal Conduct is a 1961 book by Thomas Szasz, who questions psychiatry's foundations and argues against the tendency of psychiatrists to label people who are "disabled by living" as mentally ill. The book received much publicity when it was published, and has become a classic, but also made Szasz an enemy of many doctors.....
The Myth of Mental Illness, 1962 Secker & Warburg edition.JPG
Szasz argues against the tendency of psychiatrists to label people who are "disabled by living" as mentally ill.He believes that it does not make sense to classify psychological problems as diseases or illnesses, and that speaking of "mental illness" involves a logical or conceptual error. In his view, the term "mental illness" is only an inappropriate metaphor and there are no true illnesses of the mind.His position has been characterized as involving a rigid distinction between the physical and the mental."

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