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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Sunscreen – What Are the Natural Alternatives?

"The sun provides vitamin D, which many of us are highly deficient in. Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin with can only be absorbed in the body by eating high quality saturated fat. Vitamin D deficiencies have been linked to diseases such as heart disease, cancer and chronic fatigue, to name a few.

Most people who get burned by the sun or develop skin cancer because of the way they eat not because of the sun.  Ray Peat’s research says that its because of the high amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids people are eating.  Processed foods and fried foods contain a high amount of PUFAs.  These are veggie oils like soybean oil and canola oil and are extremely unstable.  This instability causes  damage to the skin when you add sun.
You ever noticed you people who drink alcohol on the beach always get burned?  That’s because alcohol contains a high percentage of PUFAs.  These fats can create free radicals in the body when oxidized.

The best way to avoid sunburn in the summer is to significantly reduce or eliminate all together your intake of toxic foods and drinks. Stick with high quality organic foods and saturated fats and drink lots of high quality water with a few pinches of white sea salt.

While you can’t eliminate PUFAs all together you can significantly lower your intake percentage by avoiding, nuts, seeds, veggie oils, and raw dark green leafy veggies.  Saturated fats are actually protective against the negative effects of PUFAs.

Gradually build up exposure time depending on how sensitive your skin is to the sun. Use an organic sunscreen without out parabens and other harsh chemicals ...
A great natural alternative to sunscreen, which I’ve tried myself, is organic coconut oil.  It acts as a natural sunscreen that protects your skin from the harmful rays of the sun.  Coconut oil is by far my top choice and it’s great for your skin too!
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