"Many mineral makeups today use formulas that contain mainly mica and natural pigments. Almost everything you buy that's considered purely mineral - from foundations to eye shadows - uses pure mica powder as it's main ingredient. This is not only because of mica's shimmery appearance.
Powdered mica not only adds a radiant glow to your skin, but it's also the perfect consistency for many cosmetic application processes. Mica makeup can be found and applied in loose powder form, pressed powder form, and even mixed with other agents to become a gel, oil, cream, or liquid. Because of the versatility of mica's consistency, you can easily and professionally apply mica mineral makeups in a variety of ways.
Not only is mineral makeup made with mica an easy to wear, natural and beautiful way to enhance your skin, it's also quite possibly the best form of cosmetic, dermatologically speaking. This is because it glides easily onto your skin, and though everything you apply to your skin can possibly clog your pores, the chances of it causing harm to your skin are far less than if you were using makeup purely made with cosmetic chemical compounds. It's common knowledge that products using mainly natural ingredients are far better for your skin than anything created in a lab.
Mica mixed with titanium dioxide or zinc oxide adds natural coverage for blemishes, blotches, and other imperfections on your skin. Most naturally made mineral makeup companies always use a combination of mica, titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, and other natural pigments for their ingredients, and not much else."
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Buy Mica Powder from CoastalScents