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Sunday, March 9, 2014
Broken Toys: Submissive with mental illness
"Being in charge of another human being is a great and difficult responsibility. Any parent will tell you that. It's especially difficult when that human being has issues that get in the way of "normal" behavioral functioning, and cause them (and you) pain and difficulty. Much of the standard traditional "slave training" falls down when faced with one of these special needs s-types (submissives, slaves, bottoms, etc), and the current conventional wisdom seems to be "Don't do it. Get a healthy one."
But that's not helpful to the people who are already committed to their partner, already doing power-exchange, and not ready to give in and jettison either their partner or their power-exchange dynamic. The inegalitarian dynamic is hard to talk about in support groups for Partners Of X. And, anyway, if you're supposed to be In Charge, you want to be able to do the best you can with the material you've got.
Why did I call this website Broken Toys? I know that it might hurt the feelings of some s-types who read those words, but this site isn't a support group for the s-types. It's intended to be a help site for the ones in charge of them, who may often feel like a Broken Toy is exactly what they got ... but they value it anyway, and want to do what's best. (Broken Tops are an entirely different and much more complicated problem, and not something we are addressing here.)"
Check it out!