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Monday, March 10, 2014

Beyond words:Bulls

"Barely a week after exposing systemic live export breaches in Jordan, we have been forced to release this new evidence publicly — for one very alarming reason... The live export industry has been devising plans to return to the days of self-regulation. Industry self-regulation is what led to the horrific cruelty exposed in Indonesia in 2011. It's what gave us brutal slaughter boxes — lauded by the live export industry and condemned as cruel by experts around the world. Self regulation has for decades been a free pass to commit animal abuse. This must not happen again.

 The most tragic part of what we found in Mauritius is not the brutal handling; it's not that visibly scared animals were teased and tormented, or that they were tied to walls for days while waiting for their turn to be brutally slaughtered. It's that, had live exporters been abiding by the rules, none of this should ever have happened. Once again, if our small charity was not acting as this industry's watch dog, live exporters would be able to get away with breaking laws and exposing animals to unspeakable cruelty without repercussions. Quite simply, they can't be trusted to play by the rules — let alone write them. "

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