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Monday, March 10, 2014

Australian sheep investigation

In October 2013 Animals Australia investigators documented Australian sheep being dragged, tormented, stuffed into car boots and brutally slaughtered in the streets of Jordan — in direct contravention of Australian live export regulations. Extensive evidence was gathered and lodged with the Australian Government showing live exporters' blatant disregard of their legal obligations and the tragic consequences for animals.

 Outcome In Australia: After receiving evidence from Animals Australia, the Federal Department of Agriculture has commenced a formal investigation. Animal welfare groups have been joined by industry groups in calling for the strongest possible regulatory sanctions on the exporters responsible. In Jordan: Animals Australia has assisted with drafting animal protection laws for Jordan. Animals Australia is now working with international colleague groups to ensure evidence gathered by our investigators brings about change for all animals, not just those exported from Australia.


More Info...

  1.  Official Site