In 1984 this grassroots endeavor blossomed into the Yogi Tea Company. Packages of the rough, dried spices began to appear in natural foods stores throughout Southern California. As demand increased, the spices were more finely ground, packaged and sealed into individual tea bags. By 1986, Yogi Tea was distributed nationwide in three flavors.
Yogi has continued to expand and evolve our tea offerings to address specific health needs by creating specialized herbal formulas, blended for both flavor and purpose. Today, Yogi has over 60 tea blends, many of which are created using the five original Yogi spices. Yogi teas are available in natural, grocery and mass market stores in the US and Canada.

The Yogi Philosophy
At Yogi we believe the purpose of business is to serve. Yogi was founded on that belief and still uses the idea of business serving as its guiding principle: "Feel Good, Be Good, Do Good." At Yogi we are committed to providing healthy, natural teas that are accessible to as many people as possible. With more than 40 years of experience, we strive to support the health and well-being of our consumers by incorporating the highest-quality natural and organic ingredients in our teas.The holistic teachings of Ayurveda and healthy living are the inspiration behind Yogi. These teachings continue to inform how we develop our products, and we honor and reflect them through the Yogi Principles.

Yogi Principles
- Tasting great is essential, but it isn't enough. If what we make doesn't taste great and leave you feeling great, we won't make it.
- We think before we blend. How will our recipes work with body and mind?
- Health is found in nature. We work with what nature already offers rather than trying to concoct it. We don't have laboratories, we have kitchens.
- Creative combinations can optimize what nature has to offer. Ever added peppermint to ginger? They work together to produce a remarkably fresh and innovative taste... and a remarkably invigorating experience.
- Whenever possible, we work with wholes, not parts. We blend with whole spices and botanicals for their natural goodness - we don't supplement with vitamins and minerals."
Great tasting tea and as far as I know is trustworthy and does not use any chemicals or synthetic ingredients.